Detoxifying Treatments in the Washington Metro Area
Symptoms and chronic diseases related to heavy metal toxicity (also called heavy metal poisoning) are now considered a problem for millions of people. Exposure to toxic heavy metals is believed to be a contributing factor, if not the root cause of symptoms like low energy, cognitive changes, and mood disturbances. Functional Medicine for Families and Gynecology offers detoxifying treatments in the Washington metro area to reverse these symptoms.

Heavy Metal Toxicity
Heavy metals enter your bloodstream from exposure to the following
• Contaminated Water
• Dental Fillings
• Farmed Fish
• Household Products
These heavy metals travel throughout your body and penetrate the cells of various tissues and organs. Long-term exposure to these metals can lead to physical, muscular, and neurological degenerative processes. Once they become severe, heavy metal poisoning symptoms can mimic symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.
One of the best ways to start reversing symptoms of heavy metal poisoning is following a heavy metal detox plan. This involves adding leafy green and non-starchy vegetables, herbs, spices, algae, other superfoods, and bone broth to your diet.
Detoxifying treatments and certain supplements can also be incorporated into a natural heavy metal diet plan to support your nervous system, brain, liver, and other vital organs.
Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity:
• Anemia
• Autoimmune Diseases (Including Lyme Disease)
• Brain Fog
• Chronic Fatigue
• Autoimmune Diseases (Including Lyme Disease)
• Brain Fog
• Chronic Fatigue
• Chronic Pain
• Dementia
• Depression
• Digestive Issues
• Poor Recovery from Exercise and Weakness
• Dementia
• Depression
• Digestive Issues
• Poor Recovery from Exercise and Weakness
• Insomnia
• Neurological Disorders
• Skin Irritation
• Tremors
• Neurological Disorders
• Skin Irritation
• Tremors